Our governance framework
Sanofi is a publicly traded, limited liability company, incorporated under French laws, guided by a visionary Board of Directors and Executive Committee.
We are incorporated under the laws of France, with securities listed on Euronext Paris, France, and the Nasdaq Global Select Market in the US. Our corporate governance framework reflects the mandatory provisions of French corporate law, and the securities laws and regulations that apply to corporations listed in France and to foreign issuers listed in the US.
In line with recommendations of the AFEP-MEDEF Code, we have effective governance and rules in place regarding compensation of executive directors, control, and transparency. Since January 1, 2007, we have kept the function of Chairman of the Board of Directors separate from that of Chief Executive Officer.

U.S. Leadership Team
The US Leadership Team is comprised of leaders representing Sanofi's Global Functions and Global Business Units. The common purpose of the Leadership team is to unleash the potential of our people to deliver true value to our customers and our patients.